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540 misspelled results found for 'Biostar'

Click here to view these 'biostar' Items on eBay

ImageTitlePricePostageBidsTime Left
Ihagee Exakta 35mm Camera w/ Carl Zeiss Biotar 58mm f/2 Lens & Case

Ihagee Exakta 35Mm Camera W/ Carl Zeiss Biotar 58Mm F/2 Lens & Case


£4.0052d 19h 23m
40,5 mm M40,5 Green filter for Zeiss Biotar 2/58 JENA

40,5 Mm M40,5 Green Filter For Zeiss Biotar 2/58 Jena



Buy 40,5 mm M40,5 Green filter for Zeiss Biotar 2/58 JENA

2d 19h 54m
Serviced Carl Zeiss Jena Biotar 58/2 M42 T 10 Blades Swirly Bokeh Used Works

Serviced Carl Zeiss Jena Biotar 58/2 M42 T 10 Blades Swirly Bokeh Used Works



Buy Serviced Carl Zeiss Jena Biotar 58/2 M42 T 10 Blades Swirly Bokeh Used Works

2d 21h 0m
M42 Carl Zeiss Jena Q1 Biotar 2/58 Red T Alu Objektiv

M42 Carl Zeiss Jena Q1 Biotar 2/58 Red T Alu Objektiv



Buy M42 Carl Zeiss Jena Q1 Biotar 2/58 Red T Alu Objektiv

2d 22h 23m
KMZ HELIOS 44 F/2 58mm #0010762# Early  Red "P" SILVER 13 blades Biotar Designed

Kmz Helios 44 F/2 58Mm #0010762# Early Red "P" Silver 13 Blades Biotar Designed

Arri PL,Sony E,MICRO4/3,Fuji X,Canon EF EOS R,M,NIKON Z



Buy KMZ HELIOS 44 F/2 58mm #0010762# Early  Red "P" SILVER 13 blades Biotar Designed

2d 23h 0m
Sony E Fit Lens Helios 44M 58mm F/2.0 Legendary Swirly Bokeh Zeiss Biotar FE NEX

Sony E Fit Lens Helios 44M 58Mm F/2.0 Legendary Swirly Bokeh Zeiss Biotar Fe Nex



Buy Sony E Fit Lens Helios 44M 58mm F/2.0 Legendary Swirly Bokeh Zeiss Biotar FE NEX

2d 23h 3m
Rarest vintage brass lens Carl Zeiss Biotar 40mm f2.0 Leica M39, NON coupled

Rarest Vintage Brass Lens Carl Zeiss Biotar 40Mm F2.0 Leica M39, Non Coupled


Free02d 23h 34m
Jenoptik JC 23 AF Zoom Biotar - Foto Kamera Analog - Fotoapparat - Camera - 35mm

Jenoptik Jc 23 Af Zoom Biotar - Foto Kamera Analog - Fotoapparat - Camera - 35Mm



Buy Jenoptik JC 23 AF Zoom Biotar - Foto Kamera Analog - Fotoapparat - Camera - 35mm

3d 3h 57m
RARE! Retro JENOPTIK JC46D JENCOMPACT 35mm 38-145mm Biotar Zoom Lens Camera

Rare! Retro Jenoptik Jc46d Jencompact 35Mm 38-145Mm Biotar Zoom Lens Camera



Buy RARE! Retro JENOPTIK JC46D JENCOMPACT 35mm 38-145mm Biotar Zoom Lens Camera

3d 8h 57m
Serviced Carl Zeiss Jena Biotar 58/2 M42 10 Blades Preset Lens Minty Cap Hood

Serviced Carl Zeiss Jena Biotar 58/2 M42 10 Blades Preset Lens Minty Cap Hood



Buy Serviced Carl Zeiss Jena Biotar 58/2 M42 10 Blades Preset Lens Minty Cap Hood

3d 10h 55m
Metal Lens Cap 51 mm for Trioplan 2.8/100, Primoplan 1.9/58 Biotar 2/58 Pentax

Metal Lens Cap 51 Mm For Trioplan 2.8/100, Primoplan 1.9/58 Biotar 2/58 Pentax



Buy Metal Lens Cap 51 mm for Trioplan 2.8/100, Primoplan 1.9/58 Biotar 2/58 Pentax

3d 11h 39m
KMZ HELIOS 44 F2 58mm CINE MOD! Early SILVER 13 blades Biotar Designed "START "

Kmz Helios 44 F2 58Mm Cine Mod! Early Silver 13 Blades Biotar Designed "Start "

Sony E NEX, MICRO 4/3,Fuji FX,Canon EOS-R, M, NIKON Z



Buy KMZ HELIOS 44 F2 58mm CINE MOD! Early SILVER 13 blades Biotar Designed "START "

3d 12h 6m
Fits AMC AMC647303 Camshaft DE stock

Fits Amc Amc647303 Camshaft De Stock



Buy Fits AMC AMC647303 Camshaft DE stock

3d 12h 36m
Carl Zeiss Jena Biotar F2 5.8 cm Exa mount

Carl Zeiss Jena Biotar F2 5.8 Cm Exa Mount



Buy Carl Zeiss Jena Biotar F2 5.8 cm Exa mount

3d 13h 2m
Excellent and rare Carl Zeiss Jena Biotar F2 58 mm red T coating, EXA mount

Excellent And Rare Carl Zeiss Jena Biotar F2 58 Mm Red T Coating, Exa Mount



Buy Excellent and rare Carl Zeiss Jena Biotar F2 58 mm red T coating, EXA mount

3d 13h 2m
Carl Zeiss Jena Biotar 58mm f2 Lens red T coating M42 mount

Carl Zeiss Jena Biotar 58Mm F2 Lens Red T Coating M42 Mount



Buy Carl Zeiss Jena Biotar 58mm f2 Lens red T coating M42 mount

3d 13h 3m
Carl Zeiss Jena R-BIOTAR 0.85 / 55mm

Carl Zeiss Jena R-Biotar 0.85 / 55Mm



Buy Carl Zeiss Jena R-BIOTAR 0.85 / 55mm

3d 13h 3m
Carl Zeiss Jena Biotar 58mm f2 Lens red T coating EXA mount

Carl Zeiss Jena Biotar 58Mm F2 Lens Red T Coating Exa Mount



Buy Carl Zeiss Jena Biotar 58mm f2 Lens red T coating EXA mount

3d 13h 3m
Carl Zeiss Jena BIOTAR 1.4 25mm M4/3 mount, 16mm, BMPCC, Panasonic,Olympus, GH

Carl Zeiss Jena Biotar 1.4 25Mm M4/3 Mount, 16Mm, Bmpcc, Panasonic,Olympus, Gh



Buy Carl Zeiss Jena BIOTAR 1.4 25mm M4/3 mount, 16mm, BMPCC, Panasonic,Olympus, GH

3d 13h 3m
Carl Zeiss Jena Biotar f2 5 cm M42 black

Carl Zeiss Jena Biotar F2 5 Cm M42 Black



Buy Carl Zeiss Jena Biotar f2 5 cm M42 black

3d 13h 3m

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