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3428 misspelled results found for 'Ephratah'

Click here to view these 'ephratah' Items on eBay

ImageTitlePricePostageBidsTime Left
Junior Misses Size 10 Dutchmaid Ephrata PA Jumper Dress Vintage 1960s Pockets

Junior Misses Size 10 Dutchmaid Ephrata Pa Jumper Dress Vintage 1960S Pockets



Buy Junior Misses Size 10 Dutchmaid Ephrata PA Jumper Dress Vintage 1960s Pockets

2d 1h 58m
1972 advertising cover Marth Klein Handbags Ltd Broadway New York to Ephrata PA

1972 Advertising Cover Marth Klein Handbags Ltd Broadway New York To Ephrata Pa



Buy 1972 advertising cover Marth Klein Handbags Ltd Broadway New York to Ephrata PA

2d 2h 19m
PA, Akron-Ephrata, Pennsylvania, D & B Diner, Route 222, Mellinger No 82057

Pa, Akron-Ephrata, Pennsylvania, D & B Diner, Route 222, Mellinger No 82057



Buy PA, Akron-Ephrata, Pennsylvania, D & B Diner, Route 222, Mellinger No 82057

2d 2h 55m
RARE Vintage Trommer's  / Ephrata Diamond / Ortlieb's Beer Bottle Opener

Rare Vintage Trommer's / Ephrata Diamond / Ortlieb's Beer Bottle Opener



Buy RARE Vintage Trommer's  / Ephrata Diamond / Ortlieb's Beer Bottle Opener

2d 2h 55m
1891-1966 Ephrata Pennsylvania PA. 75th Diamond Jubilee Kettlesprings Kiln Plate

1891-1966 Ephrata Pennsylvania Pa. 75Th Diamond Jubilee Kettlesprings Kiln Plate



Buy 1891-1966 Ephrata Pennsylvania PA. 75th Diamond Jubilee Kettlesprings Kiln Plate

2d 3h 12m
Vtg Stauffer's Texaco Service Station Ephrata PA Advertising Windshield Scraper

Vtg Stauffer's Texaco Service Station Ephrata Pa Advertising Windshield Scraper



Buy Vtg Stauffer's Texaco Service Station Ephrata PA Advertising Windshield Scraper

2d 3h 40m
Vintage Washington Matchbook ?The Bell Hotel? Ephrata

Vintage Washington Matchbook ?The Bell Hotel? Ephrata



Buy Vintage Washington Matchbook ?The Bell Hotel? Ephrata

2d 4h 15m
Postcard Historic Pennsylvania: Ephrata Cloister, Pa. Unused 1979.

Postcard Historic Pennsylvania: Ephrata Cloister, Pa. Unused 1979.



Buy Postcard Historic Pennsylvania: Ephrata Cloister, Pa. Unused 1979.

2d 4h 15m
 Vintage J.C.Leber 12 ounce Soda Bottle Ephrata PA 9-1/4" Porcelain Stopper

Vintage J.C.Leber 12 Ounce Soda Bottle Ephrata Pa 9-1/4" Porcelain Stopper



Buy Vintage J.C.Leber 12 ounce Soda Bottle Ephrata PA 9-1/4" Porcelain Stopper

2d 4h 16m
Vintage Ephrata PA Pastry Shop  Advertising Metal Ruler

Vintage Ephrata Pa Pastry Shop Advertising Metal Ruler



Buy Vintage Ephrata PA Pastry Shop  Advertising Metal Ruler

2d 4h 27m
Vintage C. P. Wenger & Sons Poultry Ephrata PA Advertising Metal Thermometer

Vintage C. P. Wenger & Sons Poultry Ephrata Pa Advertising Metal Thermometer



Buy Vintage C. P. Wenger & Sons Poultry Ephrata PA Advertising Metal Thermometer

2d 4h 33m
Ephrata Cloister Pennsylvania vintage postcard s473

Ephrata Cloister Pennsylvania Vintage Postcard S473



Buy Ephrata Cloister Pennsylvania vintage postcard s473

2d 4h 45m
Es Deutsch Haus Ephrata Pennsylvania vintage postcard c887

Es Deutsch Haus Ephrata Pennsylvania Vintage Postcard C887



Buy Es Deutsch Haus Ephrata Pennsylvania vintage postcard c887

2d 4h 47m
2 Vintage Ephrata Pa Bottle Openers East End Planning Mill Fisher?s Distributing

2 Vintage Ephrata Pa Bottle Openers East End Planning Mill Fisher?S Distributing



Buy 2 Vintage Ephrata Pa Bottle Openers East End Planning Mill Fisher?s Distributing

2d 4h 48m
Vtg Balthaser's Dairy Products Ephrata Guy Zell Plastic Milk Bottle Advertising

Vtg Balthaser's Dairy Products Ephrata Guy Zell Plastic Milk Bottle Advertising



Buy Vtg Balthaser's Dairy Products Ephrata Guy Zell Plastic Milk Bottle Advertising

2d 4h 49m
Vtg Conestoga Savings Bank Ephrata PA Advertising Folding Wood Yardstick Ruler

Vtg Conestoga Savings Bank Ephrata Pa Advertising Folding Wood Yardstick Ruler



Buy Vtg Conestoga Savings Bank Ephrata PA Advertising Folding Wood Yardstick Ruler

2d 4h 49m
VTG Pencil Bauman Lumber Co.  Home Of High Grade Bulding Materials Ephrata Penna

Vtg Pencil Bauman Lumber Co. Home Of High Grade Bulding Materials Ephrata Penna



Buy VTG Pencil Bauman Lumber Co.  Home Of High Grade Bulding Materials Ephrata Penna

2d 5h 1m
Chrome Groundy Gourmet Groundhog Ephrata Pennsylvania PA Tom Garner Dexter Press

Chrome Groundy Gourmet Groundhog Ephrata Pennsylvania Pa Tom Garner Dexter Press



Buy Chrome Groundy Gourmet Groundhog Ephrata Pennsylvania PA Tom Garner Dexter Press

2d 5h 6m
The Ephrata Cloister an Introduction Eugene E. Doll Ephrata Pennsylvania

The Ephrata Cloister An Introduction Eugene E. Doll Ephrata Pennsylvania



Buy The Ephrata Cloister an Introduction Eugene E. Doll Ephrata Pennsylvania

2d 5h 15m
1974 The Jacobs Brothers Christian Singers Dillsburg PA Ephrata Mechanicsburg

1974 The Jacobs Brothers Christian Singers Dillsburg Pa Ephrata Mechanicsburg



Buy 1974 The Jacobs Brothers Christian Singers Dillsburg PA Ephrata Mechanicsburg

2d 5h 16m

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